The Life Needs Model

What is the Life Needs Model?

The Life Needs Model (LNM) is a framework for service delivery, developed at TVCC. 

The LNM envisions a comprehensive and integrated continuum of services, with a focus on key transitions. Services address the interconnected needs of individuals, families, and communities (King et al., 2002).

About the Life Needs Model

Themes for Service Delivery

•   Focuses on the strengths of children, youth, and families
•   Emphasizes real-world function 
•   Acknowledges transitions, such as starting school
•   Emphasizes the role of the environment

Three Spheres

1.  Personal (individual characteristics and abilities)
2.  Interpersonal (relationships)
3.  External (community)

Five Kinds of Needs

The three spheres of life are connected to the five major needs of children, youth, families, and communities: 
1.  Client foundational skills (e.g., communication, mobility)
2.  Client applied skills (e.g., maintaining friendships)
3.  Clients’ needs for support and information (e.g., youth group)
4.  Families’ needs for support, information, and skills (e.g., parent coaching) 
5.  Communities’ needs for information and education (e.g., advocacy)