Alphabetical Listing

We work to support children and their families to achieve the highest possible quality of life.  We offer a variety of services, programs, education opportunities, participation activities and resources for children, youth  and their families. 


These services focus on children and their families from birth to school entry. Services are community-based
TVCC Clinicians support clients to have the best options for them in equipment, seating and splinting
TVCC is not only here to support children and youth, we also have services for the caregivers in their lives.
TVCC Occupational Therapists (OT) provide services to infants, children, youth and their families.
TVCC PTs can help with strength, flexibility, coordination, and walking (with and/or without equipment)
Having fun and being active are important for all children and youth. Our team of Recreation Therapists is here to help kids be kids...
TVCC offers services to support clients, families, and schools with the needs that come up in the school years.
TVCC offers many paediatric medical and dental clinics. Most clinics are organized by diagnosis.
Speech-language pathologist (SLP) support communication, speech and language needs
TVCC provides oversight and administration of the Blind Low Vision Early Intervention and Infant Hearing Programs.
Growing up is an important part of childhood. Our Horizons team supports that growth...
We are passionate about helping children and youth with autism be at their best!
Research and evaluation activities are important to providing quality services to clients and their families.


Outreach program for children and adolescents with diagnosed, acquired brain injuries (ABI)
The Adapted Fitness Centre welcomes children and youth between 8 and 18 years of age who are able to participate safely.
Adaptive Technology Service’s goal is to help make the equipment you need right for you!  
For clients who need a consult with an Orthopaedic Surgeon and/or Physiotherapist.
This service supports children and youth to develop their face-to-face and written communication skills.
Providing child and family centred education, services and support for parents of children who were born blind or with low vision.
Acute Therapy following obstetrical nerve injury to the upper extremity.
For infants, children, and youth with a diagnosis of Cerebral Palsy who have complex needs requiring multidisciplinary care and support.
Assess and treat children and youth in Southwestern Ontario who have conditions affecting their teeth and facial structure.
Lorem Ipseum Everyone benefits when agencies and businesses have a strong commitment to creating inclusive enviro
Provides information and strategies to help children and youth (ages 5+) achieve better bladder and bowel control
Assessment of eligibility for funding for dental services.
Specialty Clinic Services are available for clients and families in Southwestern Ontario
TVCC OTs focus on helping clients to be successful with everyday activities using their strengths and abilities.
TVCC PT’s can help with strength, flexibility, coordination, walking, posture while sitting or standing, as well as breathing.
Open to all TVCC clients from the age of 12 until you leave high school!
Focus is on identifying all infants with permanent hearing loss
targets core early developmental skills for young children (12-48 months) with autism to improve age-appropriate play skills, engagement with others and communication development
Kids on the Block is a troupe of life-sized puppets who educate the community about disabilities, abilities, acceptance, diversity and inclusion.
For infants, children, and youth with a diagnosis of a neuromuscular condition
The Orthopaedic Clinic helps children with problems with their bones.
Our Parent Mentors are parents of TVCC clients who share their experiences
is an evidence-based intervention program for children (12-48 months) at the start of intervention. The focus is on communication and social engagement.
We help children and youth with communication including augmentative and alternative, speech etc.
Foundational Family Services at TVCC offers weekly educational workshops for parents and caregivers.
Clients and their families may see some or all of the Clinic team in one visit
Therapy services may be available at school to enable a student to attend and participate in school
Our seating services aim to provide clients and families with the best options to support independence
A caregiver-mediated intervention for toddlers with social communication goals who are diagnosed with ASD
Social work can play an important role in supporting children and families. The social work team is
Specialty Clinic Services are available for clients and families in Southwestern Ontario
Splinting and casting can provide a long gentle stretch to the muscle or joint.
Consultation sessions for parents and caregivers of children/youth with ASD who are registered (or are in the process of registering) with the Ontario Autism Program (OAP).
The Wellness Project offers: Resources, tips, and guides for youth and families
Therapeutic Recreation helps children, youth and families experience and enjoy their leisure, sport
Acute therapy for infants presenting with decreased neck range of motion.
TVCC Storytellers are a group of young people with disabilities who aim to increase public awareness.
A Speech Language Pathologist will assess speech and resonance with further consultation from E.N.T and Prosthodontics as appropriate.
Do you have questions about life after high school?

Caregiver Education

(Online learning module) Learn what augmentative communication is all about, what to expect and what's involved with this service.
(Virtual, Apr 15) Did your child or youth recently received a diagnosis of autism? Although autism doesn’t define your child, you probably want to know how you can support your child/youth to be successful.
(Online learning module) Learn what core vocabulary is, how it's different from fringe vocabulary, key characteristics of core vocabulary, why using core vocabulary is so important and how to teach core vocabulary.
(Virtual, May 21 or 28) Social narratives can be effective tools that can make new or unfamiliar situations like going on vacation, visiting the dentist, or starting at a new school much smoother by presenting these experiences in a story format.
(Virtual, Apr 14) for parents of children/youth with autism and will focus on what emotional regulation means as well as learning some proven techniques to cope in a variety of settings.
(Online learning module) Learn what expanding communication is all about, how to do it and why it is important in supporting your child's communication development.
(Virtual, monthly until June) Parents/caregivers of preschool age children, with special needs can learn about making mealtimes positive, reducing power struggles, defining parent and child feeding roles, the role of sensory processing in eating challenges.
(Virtual, Jan 7-May 13) Connect with other families and gather resources. Get organized, gain knowledge, talk about advocacy and plan for today, tomorrow and the future.
(Virtual, May 15) Parents will learn to identify and prepare for those risks, and make a plan. This presentation focuses on children with autism in high risk situations but all parents and professionals are welcome to participate.
(Online learning module) Learn what modeling is and why it is important in helping to develop your child's language and communication skills.
(Virtual, Feb-Nov dates) Do you know what financial resources are available for your child or youth with a disability? Do you have funding paperwork that you need to complete for your child or youth with a disability?
(Virtual, quarterly dates until Dec 2025) Do you know what financial resources are available for your youth with a disability transitioning to adulthood?
(Virtual, Jan 14-June 11) During this guided discussion, we focus on autism and behavioural strategies and provide helpful resources to parents of children with autism.
(Virtual, Apr 7) Join us to discover how to create opportunities and safe spaces for learning about sexuality. We will provide examples of skills that can be taught and tools that can be used to support learning. We will also provide valuable resources to support you in this journey.
(Virtual, Apr, June dates) An introduction to what the sensory systems are and how they work. The goal is to understand your child better. This understanding will assist families in developing strategies to help make life easier.
(Online learning module) will teach you about shared reading and how to get the most out of reading with your child who uses AAC.
(Virtual, Mar 20 & Apr 24) "Back to Basics of Behaviour" and "Summertime Social Skills" Each session is facilitated by a Family & Community Consultant and will focus on a specific topic, offering practical advice and a space to share experiences and strategies.
(Virtual, Mar 25) In this presentation, we will introduce PRT® and focus on one of the most pivotal areas of childhood development – motivation! You will learn why it is so important to find motivation and how to use your child’s motivation to unlock their learning and engagement in daily activities!
(Virtual, Apr 17) Join us to better understand the many parts of toilet training and for help deciding if your child is ready for this step.
(Virtual, Apr 3 or 10) For parents/caregivers, community and therapists supporting children/youth, of all ages, with autism. Sometimes children and youth with autism have challenging behaviours and, as a parent, it can be hard to know what to do about it.
(In-person, Apr 15) You will learn about the strategies, practice using the visual supports and then take them home with you! The support strategies will include First/Then boards, teaching wait, using visual schedules and count down boards.
(In-person, Apr 24) During this in-person educational opportunity for parents and caregivers, there will be an opportunity to learn about the strategies, practice using the strategies and bring the visual support materials home!


(In-person, Weds, Apr 2-23 &/or June 4-25) TVCC clients, who use mobility aids and/or have unique physical needs can join us for this open-gym series to try new sports and physical activities, including adapted sport opportunities. Each week will feature a new sport to try out!
(In-person, Apr 9-30) Join us for a new hybrid arts and crafts series being offered in person In London and online for regional participants! 
(In-person, Tues, until March) The TVCC Therapy Pool is open for fall Family Swim! Grab your suit and join other TVCC families for a dip on any of the dates available. 
(In-person, June 3-24) Children, will explore readiness and basic swim skills including group songs, safe participation, pool entry/exits, floatation and specialized equipment.
(Virtual, Weds, Jan 15-Mar 26) TVCC Youth with disabilities, 12 yrs +, and their siblings can explore the vast and creative world of Minecraft with The Wellness Project! Every Wednesday, we'll work together to build our home base, collect resources, and survive through the nights.
(July 7-11) This inclusive camp will feature themed hands-on activities. With Backyard Biology your child will discover a magnificent and microscopic world hiding right in your own backyard.
(In-person, Apr 15-May 6) Join TVCC's Therapeutic Recreation team and Connections Music Therapy for a brand new parent and child series for toddlers and preschoolers!
(In-person, Tues, Apr 8) Babies and toddlers, with special needs can explore swimming in a supportive group environment.  
(In-person, Apr 11 and May 30) This two-part swim group is designed for school-age children with special needs as an introduction to structured swim skills and comfort in the water.
(In-person, Sun; until Mar 23) Whether you are a seasoned adventurer or a beginner just stepping into the realm of tabletop gaming, our weekly sessions offer a welcoming and supportive environment for all.
(Virtual, until Mar 27) Participants will join a group with clients from both Holland Bloorview Children's Treatment Centre and TVCC for games, music, laughter, and conversation. Possible activities include Kahoot, Jeopardy, music games, and more.
(Weds, May 7 - 28) Each week participants will be guided through various activities using drums and other musical instruments. Led by Music Therapists from Connections Music Therapy, this program will utilize facets of music therapy and expressive arts to encourage creativity, social wellness, and self-confidence. 


Speech and Language Developmental Milestones at 18 months
Speech and Language Developmental Milestones at 9 months

Discover some easy steps to building cooperation with your child or youth. These strategies can be used anytime and throughout your child’s life.

How to help and encourage your child to be more independent and less reliant on a caregiver during virtual treatment sessions.
Learn what Aided Language Simulation is and how it can be used to support children with communication difficulties.

Cinq raisons pour lesquelles un enfant ou un jeune peut refuser de faire ce qu’on lui demande:

Discover the common characteristics of Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) and learn about Applied Behaviour Analysis (ABA), the most common and effective therapy to support children and youth with autism.
This page contains links to handouts and resources about AAC that you may find useful. AAC Awareness
Video tutorials in the Snap + Core First App, iPad Setting and Apps and an overview or Word Power.
Families registered with the Ontario Autism Program (OAP) can consult with an Autism & Behavioural Services (ABS) Family & Community Consultant to better understand how to apply the ABA strategies described in the videos and resources below at home.
How to use symbols to support children in expressing these functions and offers practical examples for each type of communication.
A collection of links to various resources related to brain injury.
Cerebral Palsy Guidance is a US BASED website created to provide answers and assistance to parents of children with cerebral palsy.

When choosing a bike for a beginning or new rider, there are many things to consider to maximize success. Listed below are some things to consider when choosing a bike as well as some simple modifications that may be made to the bike to support riders who may find aspects of bike riding tricky.

The information in this handout is summarized material from the iCan Bike program.  iCan Bike is a program that teaches children and youth with disabilities how to ride a two-wheeled bike.  
For more information about iCan Bike, or additional resources check their website:

At TVCC, we want to help families make informed decisions when selecting services that are right for them. We have outlined some key things to consider and ask when choosing services.
Learn about the rules and standards that govern the practice of Physiotherapists in Ontario.
Strategies to use when communicating with a person who uses augmentative communication.
This handout helps you understand and respond to a person's behaviour by providing simple explanations for certain actions. It also includes a blank sheet to customize a list of your child's common behaviours, their meanings, and how to respond to them.
This resource provides strategies for communication partners to support children with communication difficulties, whether they are using verbal language or Speech Generating Devices (SGD's).
This resource emphasizes encouraging early communicators through the need, opportunity, and reward approach. It provides tips on maximizing development opportunities, accepting all forms of communication, and making environmental changes to promote communication.
Intro to ParaSwim introtoparaswim [at] gmail.com519-494-0628 London Blizzard Sledge
Conversation Books are personalized books created for children with communication challenges, using a collection of objects, pictures, and resources to support their primary mode of communication. What should you include in a Conversation Book?
Did you know that a person can effectively express over 80% of their communication needs with a few hundred core words? This resource lists examples of general core vocabulary and personal core vocabulary.
Learn about different types of crawlers and understand the importance of reciprocal crawling and how to support your child's development.
Refer a child with developmental challenges 2 years or younger, by contacting Developmental Resource
Comment aider et encourager votre enfant à être plus indépendant et moins dépendant d'un soignant lors des séances de traitement virtuelles.
Check out this story about Eddie the Elephant, who happens to use augmentative communication to communicate with his friends.
Free online information/workshops.
Discover some great ways to establish an at-home routine or schedule. These strategies can be used anytime and throughout your child’s life.
Guidelines on the limitations and recommendations for using Exersaucers and Jolly Jumpers for infants.
External information and resources about childhood development.
Instructions for using eye gaze as a method of communication.
A list of the Foundational Family Services workshop topics that are presented throughout the year. 
This resource is about using colour coding to organize word categories, making locating specific symbols or words easier and aiding in grammar development.
This resource discusses using symbols to support communication and offers considerations for implementing and supporting their functional use.
This resource provides the most common funding sources for families of children/youth with disabilities. It’s a great place to get started!
This printable resource will help you with questions to ask and things to think about as you explore funding for equipment. 
We hope this will help you think about options and make the best choices possible for your family with the help of your therapy team. Buying and getting equipment (e.g., wheelchairs, iPads, ramps, special bikes, etc.) for your child/youth involves many steps and a lot of choices.
The following resources and links will help you learn a bit more about funding options for seating and mobility equipment.

An overview of funding resources and options for children with special needs.

Social Narrative for Children and Youth with Autism
Use this checklist as a guide of things you should think about in preparing for community participa
Social Narrative for Children and Youth with Autism
Discover what developmental milestones your child should be reaching at each stage and use this checklist as a helpful guide.
Resources, toolkits and links for youth
Strategies for communication partners (parents, caregivers, educators) to support children using Speech Generating Devices.
"I Can" was a monthly blog to help kids who use augmentative communication increase their participation.
Discover the top 5 reasons why your child or youth may not be cooperating and learn practical strategies to address these challenges effectively.
The John Deere Mighty Trike is a popular choice for many families. It is sturdy, well made and easy to purchase locally.
La fonction d’un comportement explique pourquoi il se produit. En sachant ce qui motive ce comportement, il est plus facile: De penser à des stratégies pour diminuer le comportement difficile; D’enseigner à l’enfant ou au jeune une façon plus appropriée de satisfaire ses besoins
Communication boards for people who use Augmentative Communication are available at all London Library locations.
Profitez de cette activité avec vos enfants en téléchargeant et en imprimant l'activité.
Enjoy this activity with your kids by downloading and printing the activity.

The following information has been taken from Microsoft Support page and compiled into a helpful troubleshooting document. 

Go to: Microsoft Support for more detailed information.

Joining a Teams Meeting
Below are the most common ways to join a TVCC event using Microsoft Teams meetings.

1. Join by Link

Specific directions for how to approach partner assisted scanning with your child.

Supporting Families and Youth Through Secondary School and Beyond

Passages is a yearly event organized in partnership with TVDSB, LDCSB, and TVCC that brings together community agencies that support youth and young adults in London, Middlesex, Elgin, and Oxford communities. You are invited to join us each November to meet and talk with representatives from a wide range of organizations. 

Physiotherapy-related resources can be accessed by clicking here.
How to prevent and address a flat head in babies, including causes, prevention strategies, and potential treatment options.
Learn how to effectively use prompting techniques to support individuals using communication devices, promote their language development, and encourage independence in communication interactions.
Learn how to create and use a remnant book for a child. A remnant book serves as a communication tool to help a child remember and talk about their experiences, encouraging interactions with communication partners and promoting literacy development.
This resource discusses the importance of allowing children, especially those with physical disabilities, to make choices as it gives them control over their environment and helps them learn about consequences. Obtain guidance on how to help children make choices using objects, eye gaze, and pictures, with practical tips and points to remember.
What to expect and how to prepare for your appointment in the Seating and Mobility Department.
From soft leather to anti-slip soles and a firm heel counter, discover the key features to look for in shoes that provide stability and support for your child's developing feet.
What is the SmartStart Hub at TVCC? What does it cost to use the services of a SmartStart Hub? How does it work? What will happen during the phone call? How long will the call take?
Stability wheel links and information
Learn strategies for encouraging interaction during stories and songs, such as adding symbols and props, allowing children to make choices, and actively involving them in the process.
Examples of message pairs that can be used with a child's voice output device to offer choices and facilitate communication during various activities. The PDF allows for customization with additional ideas based on the child's specific activities and preferences.
This resource focuses on building intentional communication by treating a child's actions as meaningful, identifying their motivations, and using their interests to encourage communication. The resource also provides tools such as the Communication Matrix and Communication Dictionary to help track and interpret a child's communication skills.
Meal or snack times can be a great opportunity for children to practice using communication symbols to make requests, comment, ask questions, or seek help.
Guidance on teaching yes/no questions to learners by starting with simpler accept/reject questions and gradually progressing to more complex concepts. is a great resource for services available in your community. 
This resource also offers links to various websites that provide pre-made communication boards.
The Therapeutic Recreation team is dedicated to sharing programs, resources, events and stories abou
What is joint attention? Joint attention is when two people share acknowledgement in an object or event.
Guidance on the recommended usage of wheelchairs for children with mobility difficulties to promote good body alignment, prevent long-term changes to body shape, and support engagement in play and social interactions, with additional information on position changes and maintenance of wheelchairs.
Learn how a Topic Board can help a child/youth clarify their message or initiate a conversation.
Information on torticollis, a condition characterized by the shortening or tightening of neck muscles, including its causes, recommended treatments such as positioning recommendations, tummy time, and strengthening/stretching exercises, and guidance on seeking medical help.
Provides information on the importance of tummy time for babies' development, including its benefits, tips for incorporating it into the daily routine, and the option of seeking physiotherapy intervention if needed.
TVCC Therapeutic Recreation Fall Open House - Community Partner Information - September 24th, 2024
TVCC Therapeutic Summer Camp Open House - Community Partner Information
Speech and Language Developmental Milestones at 12 months
Speech and Language Developmental Milestones at 24 months
Speech and Language Developmental Milestones at 3 months
Speech and Language Developmental Milestones at 3-4 years
Speech and Language Developmental Milestones at 4-5 years
Speech and Language Developmental Milestones at 6 months
Advice on book selection and creative approaches to reading to benefit language development and a lifelong love of books.
Understand your crucial role in building your child's language and reading skills right from the beginning.
Interactive reading with children: why it's important and how to do it.
Five easy steps for sharing books with your child
Speech and Language Developmental Milestones at 30 months
Helpful websites and Apps for making your own Visual schedules and resources.
What is W-sitting, its potential effects on a child's body, and suggestions on promoting alternative sitting positions and seeking medical advice if necessary.
Some ideas for messages that can be used on a sequential message voice output device.
Some ideas for messages that can be used on a single message voice device.
This resource teaches you the different reasons why behaviour happens and what you can do about it.
This resource offers some suggestions of core words that can be modeled during play.