Board of Directors

The ongoing success of TVCC is facilitated by the generous support and leadership of a committed group of community volunteers serving on our Board of Directors. The Board of Directors represents the community's best interests and oversees the governance and strategic directions of the TVCC. Interested in becoming a member?

Mr. Ryan McKie, Board Chair
Ms. Michelle Gunnell, Past Chair and Board Member
Ms. Jennifer Buchanan, Board Treasurer and Chair, Finance & Facilities Committee
Ms. Sarah Angood, Chair, Human Resources Committee
Mr. Alex Tyml, Chair, Communication, Education & Technology Committee
Mr. Paul Howarth, C.E.O., Ex Officio Board Member (non-voting) and Board Secretary
Mr. Chris Cunneen, Client Representative and Board Member, Operational Priority Committee
Ms. Dale Buchanan, TVCC Auxiliary Representative and Board Member, Communication, Education & Technology Committee
Ms. Arlene Gavloski, Board Member, Operational Priority Committee
Ms. Rajwant Sousa, LHSC Representative 
Mr. Scott Fortnum, Children’s Health Foundation
Mr. Kirk Patterson, Rotary Representative and Board Member, Operational Priority Committee
Ms. Leba Silvert, Chair, Operational Priority Committee
Ms. Amanda Wolfe, Family Representative and Board Member, Client Advisory Committee
Ms. Susan Greig, Board Member
Ms. Jordyn Liebman, Board Member

*Officers of the Board in bold

Board of Directors meetings are held on the last Monday of the month, in the TVCC General Meeting Room, from 4:30-6:30 pm.

Interested in Attending?

Please contact Autumn Taylor, Executive Assistant (as noted below) in advance of the meeting with the proposed agenda item(s) and the number of people wishing to attend. 

Autumn Taylor, Executive Assistant
779 Base Line Road East
London, Ontario N6C 5Y6
tel: 519.685.8700 ext 58779
fax: 519.685.8699

e-mail:  Erin.Tupper [at] (Autumn[dot]Taylor[at]tvcc[dot]on[dot]ca)

Interested in Joining?

Interested in joining one of our committees of the Board of Directors? We are always looking to evolve our diverse and committed volunteer Board and Board Committee networks. Please contact Paul Howarth (Paul.Howarth [at] (Paul[dot]Howarth[at]tvcc[dot]on[dot]ca)), Chief Executive Officer, if you think you might be a good fit for our Board or Committees and are interested in learning more about these opportunities.

What is a Board Member?

Board members are appointed as unpaid (voluntary) representatives of the community. The Board is responsible to see that funding is used in a way that optimally benefits the community in alignment with the vision and mission of the organization. The Board endorses the organization's strategic directions; however, Board Members are not involved in the day-to-day operations.

What is a Committee Member?

TVCC has four standing committees of the Board of Directors.

  • Finance and Facilities
  • Operational Priorities
  • Human Resources, and
  • Communication, Education & Technology

Board Committees are chaired by a sitting member of the Board and Committees report directly to the Board.  The primary role of the committees is to provide guidance to the organization through input from volunteer community members from related areas of expertise.

Governance Manual 

Our Board Governance Manual is a comprehensive guide that outlines the roles and responsibilities of board members, our mission and values, and important policies and procedures. It ensures that our board operates transparently and effectively, and serves as an indispensable resource for both new and seasoned board members. Explore the manual to familiarize yourself with its contents and make the most of your work on our Board of Directors.

Read the Governance Manual