Our Team

Get in touch

Researcher, Michelle Servais
Connect here: Michelle.Servais [at] tvcc.on.ca (Michelle[dot]Servais[at]tvcc[dot]on[dot]ca)

Researcher, Eric Smart
Connect here: Eric.Smart [at] tvcc.on.ca (Eric[dot]Smart[at]tvcc[dot]on[dot]ca)

Research Project Coordinator, Meaghan McKillop
Connect here: Meaghan.McKillop [at] tvcc.on.ca (Meaghan[dot]McKillop[at]tvcc[dot]on[dot]ca)

Knowledge Translation Specialist, Megan Nichols
Connect here: Megan.Nichols [at] tvcc.on.ca (Megan[dot]Nichols[at]tvcc[dot]on[dot]ca)

Director, Quality Management, Kristel Pallant 
Connect here: Kristel.Pallant [at] tvcc.on.ca (Kristel[dot]Pallant[at]tvcc[dot]on[dot]ca)


For general inquiries or to share your recruitment opportunities, connect here: research [at] tvcc.on.ca (research[at]tvcc[dot]on[dot]ca)


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