Research Project Approval

Involving TVCC Clients in Research

TVCC supports quality research with clients and their families. Anyone wishing to involve TVCC clients in their research has two options, both requiring university ethics board approval. 

For “passive” recruitment, where TVCC shares information about a study with clients and their families and leaves it to them to decide about contacting the researcher, please email: research [at] (research[at]tvcc[dot]on[dot]ca). In your email, please include a short summary of your research, any posters or flyers, as well as confirmation that your study has been approved by a university research ethics board. 

Studies that are asking for use of TVCC space or TVCC staff to be involved in recruitment, data collection, or any other role need to go through a research study application process to sort out practical details. 


Procedures For TVCC Research Applications


Contact TVCC's Director of Quality Management to discuss your proposed research. The Director of Quality Management will match you with the TVCC services that include clients who may be your potential participants, and will give you the name of the appropriate TVCC Director to contact.
Contact the Director of the relevant services to discuss the general feasibility of your project within TVCC. The Director and staff need to support the project, and agree to assist. They will name a Research Contact person.

University Student Applications

If you are seeking permission to conduct research/evaluation studies at TVCC, you must be supervised by a University faculty member (or co-supervised by a faculty member and a TVCC staff member). To ensure that your advisor is aware of and approves the details of the research study, your thesis advisor's name, title, and signature needs to be included on the Application Form.