Research at TVCC

TVCC has a long history of research, with a dedicated program since 1988. We believe research and evaluation activities are important in providing quality services to clients and their families.

Integrating research into our everyday work can address the needs we hear daily from clients, families, and clinicians. We complete program evaluations for our services as well as large-scale projects with global relevance. 

TVCC Researchers support staff within our organization and collaborate with partners worldwide. Our research aims to improve community participation and quality of life for children with disabilities and their families.

Good research gives us information that helps us to do things better. Thoughtful, well-designed, and relevant clinical research answers our questions and helps us be accountable to clients, families, the community, and funders.

Research helps us to:

  • find answers to questions and issues important to clients and families,
  • improve our understanding of childhood disabilities and the issues they raise, and
  • improve the services we provide.

Key Theme Areas

We focus our research on two strategic research directions relevant and meaningful to clients, their families, and service providers:

  1. Evaluating programs, interventions, and aspects of service delivery
  2. Investigating psychosocial aspects of disabilities, examining the social and emotional needs and outcomes of clients and their families.


Create a strong research climate that promotes TVCC staff members' awareness, enthusiasm, and participation in research and evaluation and that fosters ongoing critical appraisal of therapeutic effectiveness and an increased understanding of the psychosocial aspects of physical disabilities and interventions.

Provide resources and ongoing, individualized support to therapists conducting research.

Share research and evaluation findings internally and externally with clients, families, service providers, and other researchers.

Ensuring Ethical Approval, Scientific Merit, & Relevance of Research Involving TVCC Clients & Families Policy