
In-person and virtual Group treatment options based on a specific theme or curriculum.


In-person Groups

Treatment is provided to children and youth in TVCC classroom settings or select community settings specific to the theme or curriculum of the group. The number of staff supporting each group is based on the type of group offered.  Parents and caregivers are not required to remain on site during the in-person group session. *For the safety and success of all participants, specific criteria will be identified for participation in each group.

Virtual Groups

Treatment is provided to children and youth using the MS Teams platform. Parents or caregivers may be required to participate, remain near for support, or be available for technical support only. This is determined based on your child or youth's independence and ability to maintain engagement and responding in the virtual environment.

Parent Engagement

Collaboration with Foundational Family Services will highlight related parent and caregiver educational opportunities that are available while the group is scheduled.

Classroom Model

Individual Treatment

Check Out Our Current Groups Below!!

*Please review the Group descriptions closely and confirm safety and success indicators for all participants.

Chat Quest: Level-Up Your Social Skills!

(10-13 yrs and 14-17 yrs)

Join our conversation quest and become a chat quest champion! This engaging virtual group offers interactive challenges, role-playing scenarios, and skill-building exercises to enhance your social skills. Connect with peers, practice real-world conversations, and develop the confidence to excel in social settings. Embark on this exciting journey and master the art of communication while having fun!

10 Sessions: Wednesdays from OCT 9 - DEC 11, 2024

This virtual group is open to all children/youth with autism, province wide.

Detailed Information

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Mission Accomplished: Adventures in Task Analysis!

(10-13 yrs and 14-17 yrs)

Get ready to conquer your goals! This dynamic virtual group turns task analysis into an exhilarating adventure through interactive missions, engaging role-plays, and fun challenges. Whether you are organizing your daily routine or tackling a big project, this group will help equip you with the skills and confidence to break down your tasks, stay organized, and achieve success. Join fellow adventurers in this exciting journey to sharpen your task-busting abilities and make every mission a win!

10 Sessions: Tuesdays from OCT 8 - DEC 10, 2024

This virtual group is open to all children/youth with autism, province wide.


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Facing Your Fears

(8-14 yrs)

Do you want to help your child learn how to develop skills to manage their worry and fears?  Facing Your Fears will help caregivers and children learn skills to target specific fears or worries that interfere with day-to-day functioning at home and school.  In this group, caregivers and children work together through interactive activities to help build anxiety management skills based on evidence-based principles of cognitive-behavioural therapy. 

8 Sessions: Tuesdays from OCT 8 - NOV 26, 2024

This virtual group is open to all children/youth with autism, province wide.

Detailed Information

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COMING SOON - ADHD & ASD: Parenting Starter Kit

(6-13 yrs)

Does your child have an ADHD diagnosis in addition to Autism? Do you want to learn specific strategies to support their ADHD symptoms? Offered by Child and Youth Psychologists and Graduate Student Clinicians, this virtual 4-week “starter-kit” gives caregivers evidence-based tools to manage ADHD symptoms in children. 

Come together to learn and share strategies in a small virtual group, then have a private virtual meeting with a Graduate Student Clinician to discuss your own situation. After the group is finished, additional 1:1 sessions may be offered, as appropriate. 

4 Sessions: Wednesdays from OCT 30 - NOV 20, 2024

This virtual group is open to parents/caregivers of children/youth with autism and ADHD, province wide.

Pre-Registration Information