The Blind Low Vision Early Intervention Program provides child and family centred education, services and support for parents of children who were born blind or with low vision. Therapy Assistants with specialized training in the early childhood vision consultant role work closely with the family to help their child explore and discover the world around them so that they can support the healthy development of their child.
Access to Services
Referrals can be made by parents, caregivers or professionals with the consent of the parent. Children from birth to school entry may be referred with a formal diagnosis of visual impairment or without a formal diagnosis if there are enough indicators that the child is demonstrating visual issues impacting their development. The BLVEIP will support families in accessing vision care and obtaining confirmation of a visual impairment.
Services are provided to children and their families living in the southwest region which includes Elgin, London/Middlesex, Oxford, Huron, Perth, Grey, Bruce and Lambton counties. Visits take place within the child’s home and community (i.e., early childhood settings).
What to Expect
Our Therapy Assistants are trained to work directly with the family and promote strategies for the child to optimize their use of vision and all the other senses to facilitate purposeful learning opportunities. Emphasis is placed on family guided routine-based intervention. Visits will focus on accessible learning opportunities that are crucial to the success of skill development for children with visual impairments.
BLVEIP services are integrated within a TVCC Early Years multidisciplinary team when appropriate.
For More Information
TVCC is the lead agency and service provider for the BLVEIP in the Southwest Region
Contact: 1-877-818-8255
Learn more about the Ministry’s Blind Low Vision Early Intervention Program