Ilderton Curling Club
Contact: Laura Leitch
Website: ildertoncurlingclub.com
Email: info [at] ildertoncurlingclub.com (info[at]ildertoncurlingclub[dot]com)
Social Media:
• Facebook: @Ilderton Curling Centre
• Instagram: @ildertoncurl
• Twitter: @Clubilderton
Description: Welcome to the Ilderton Curling Club. The first curling in Ilderton took place when some 60+ people gathered at the hockey rink to participate in the game of curling in the middle of December in 1960.

Connections Music Therapy
Description: Connections Music Therapy offers sessions and adaptive music lessons to youth of any age with no musical skills required to begin. An individualized plan is created to help target specific goals within the sessions, through instrument playing, song writing, and singing. Our priority is having fun, because when you’re having fun, the sky is the limit!
Contact: Jess Dickie Poor
Website: connectionsmusictherapy.com
Email: jd.musictherapy [at] gmail.com (jd[dot]musictherapy[at]gmail[dot]com)
Social Media:
• Facebook: @connectionsmusictherapy
• Twitter: @funmusictherapy

Special Olympics London
Description: Athletes are the heart of the Special Olympics movement. All athletes have an intellectual disability. Special Olympics London currently has over 400 athletes who participate in sport and fitness programs throughout the year. Our athletes became involved and stay involved for a number of reasons, including the love of the game, socializing, becoming more active and/or staying fit, learning a new skill and much more.
Website: soolondon.com
Email: london.registrar [at] specialolympicsontario.ca (london[dot]registrar[at]specialolympicsontario[dot]ca)
Social Media:
• Facebook: SOOLondonCan
• Instagram: @specialolympicsontariolondon
• Twitter: @SooLondonCan

Adapted Multi-Sport
Description: In this adapted multi-sport program participants with disabilities will focus on skill development in a variety of sports and activities!
Contact: Alexis Cruz
Email: alcruz [at] london.ca (alcruz[at]london[dot]ca)
Phone: 519-661-5575

Community Living London
Description: Community Living London is pleased to offer Leisure Nights, a program designed to give children and youth with a confirmed diagnosis of Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) an opportunity to participate in fun activities in a safe and supportive environment.
Contact: Terri Martin
Website: cll.on.ca
Email: LeisureNightsCLL [at] cll.on.ca (LeisureNightsCLL[at]cll[dot]on[dot]ca)
Social media:
• Instagram: @commlivlondon
• Facebook: Community Living London

Volt Hockey London
Description: Volt is a unique adaptation to the sport of hockey as it allows participants who have more complex needs – particularly those with limited upper mobility, to be able to play the sport that extends beyond other adaptive variations of hockey today (including sledge hockey and wheelchair hockey). Volt is played as a 3 vs 3 game on an indoor gym or court using specially designed hockey sport chairs. The chairs are battery operated and are controlled with a joystick. This allows virtually any person living with mobility limitations the ability to play the sport of hockey independently.
Email: voltlondon [at] varietyontario.ca (voltlondon[at]varietyontario[dot]ca)
Phone: (226) 376-4442
Social Media:
• Facebook: Volt Hockey London
• Instagram: @LondonHighVoltage

Jess Jones Recreation Therapy
Contact: Jess Jones
Website: jessjonesrecreationtherapy.ca
Phone: 519-902-5377
Social Media:
• Facebook: @jessjonesrecreationtherapy
• Instagram: @jessjonesrectherapy

Hero Circle Canada
Description: Kids Kicking Cancer’s Heroes Circle program teaches meditation, breathing and movement techniques found in the martial arts to empower children beyond the pain and trauma of childhood disease All of our programming is free of charge & siblings are welcome We've lowered the pain and empowered over 7,000 children in 7 countries by teaching them that pain is a message you do not have to listen to.
Contact: Liam Brennan
Website: kidskickingcancer.ca
Email: liam [at] kidskickingcancer.ca (liam[at]kidskickingcancer[dot]ca)
Social Media:
• Facebook: @kidskickingcancercanada
• Instagram: @kidskickcancercanada
• Twitter: @KKC_Canada

Cheer Strike Royals
Website: cheerstrikeroyals.com
Phone: 519-474-0101
Email: info [at] cheerstrikeroyals.com (info[at]cheerstrikeroyals[dot]com)
Social Media:
• Facebook: Cheer Strike Royals
• Twitter: @CS_Royals
• Instagram: @CS_Royals
Description: The goal of our Dynasty program is to open the doors to the sport of Cheer for children with special needs and to provide an exceptional sports experience for them and their families.

Challenger Baseball
Description: Challenger Baseball is a league designed to provide fun athletic and social activities for physically and/or cognitively challenged youth in an encouraging, supportive atmosphere.
Website: challengerbaseballlondon.wordpress.com
Email: challengerlondon [at] gmail.com (challengerlondon[at]gmail[dot]com)
Social Media:
• Facebook: Challenger Baseball London
• Instagram: @ChallengerBaseballLondon

George Bray Sports Association
Contact: Murray Howard
Website: georgebrayhockey.ca
Email: murrayhoward [at] execulink.com (murrayhoward[at]execulink[dot]com)
Facebook: George Bray Sports Association
Description: The organization was developed to allow children and youth with learning, emotional and/or social disabilities the opportunity to play Canada’s game of hockey in a structured league.

London Blizzard Sledge Hockey
Contact: Jackie Madden
Website: londonblizzard.com
Email: jmmaddenmom [at] hotmail.com (jmmaddenmom[at]hotmail[dot]com)
Social Media:
• Facebook: LondonBlizzardSledgeHockey
• Instagram: @londonblizzardshc
Description: The LBSHC provides sledge hockey programs to individuals with physical disabilities. They have grown to encompass both male and female players from the ages of 7 to adult, playing on junior and intermediate level teams.

Power Cheer Gym
Contact: Brittany McMahon
Website: powercheergym.com
Phone: 519-667-0565
Email: britmcmahon [at] hotmail.com (britmcmahon[at]hotmail[dot]com)
Social Media:
• Facebook: Power Cheer Gym
• Twitter: @powercheergym
• Instagram: @powercheergym

Intro to Para Swim
Contact: Darda Sales
Website: londonaquaticclub.ca
Email: introtoparaswim [at] gmail.com (introtoparaswim[at]gmail[dot]com)
Social Media:
• Facebook: London Aquatic Club
• Twitter: @LACswimnation
• Instagram: @ londonaquaticclub
Description: Introduce individuals with physical, visual, and intellectual disabilities to competitive swimming, basic stroke mechanics and swimming skills. To participate in the program, swimmers must be able to effectively engage in a small group learning environment (1 instructor to 2-3 athletes). Ages 6-21.

Ontario Para Network
Contact: Claire Buchanan
Website: onpara.ca
Email: claire [at] onpara.ca (claire[at]onpara[dot]ca)
Social Media:
• Facebook: On Para Network
Description: As the governing body for wheelchair basketball, wheelchair rugby and wheelchair tennis in the province, Ontario Para Network offers opportunities for athletes with and without physical disabilities to participate in recreational, competitive and high performance programs.

Forest City Kiwanis Club
Contact: Rosalyn Fast
Website: forestcitykiwanis.ca
Email: rmfast [at] gmail.com (rmfast[at]gmail[dot]com)
Social Media:
• Facebook: KiwanisClubofForestCityLondon
• Instagram: @kiwanis_london_ont

TVCC Therapeutic Recreation
Contact: Jessica Hennessy and Rachel Ireland
Email: tr [at] tvcc.on.ca (tr[at]tvcc[dot]on[dot]ca)
Website: tvcc.on.ca/recreationfitness
Social Media:
• Facebook: @trattvcc
• Instagram: @tvcc_family
We would like to thank all the community partners that participated in this year’s TR Open House. We truly appreciate all the work you did to share your organization with the TVCC community. Adaptive and inclusive recreation in our community creates so many opportunities for children and youth to thrive!
If you are a partner interested in presenting at next years event or have a program, you would like us to learn about please email tr [at] tvcc.on.ca (tr[at]tvcc[dot]on[dot]ca)
To learn more about upcoming events please visit www.tvcc.on.ca/education-participation