
Collaborate with TVCC

Research Projects and TVCC

TVCC supports quality research with clients and their families. 

The Research Team welcomes opportunities to collaborate with other organizations on meaningful projects that support TVCC’s vision of “Our clients at their best.” 

Anyone wishing to involve TVCC clients in their research can review the guidelines and requirements under Research Project Approval.

Anyone interested in discussing opportunities for collaboration can get in touch with Our Team.

Share your Recruitment Opportunities

Are you interested in sharing a research opportunity with clients and families?

TVCC shares relevant research opportunities through TVCC newsletters and our social media platforms.

If you are a researcher and would like TVCC to share your research opportunity with our clients and families, please email: In your email, please include a short summary of your research, any posters or flyers, as well as confirmation that your study has been approved by a university research ethics board. 


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