Autism Mail Club

For families of children and youth with autism who have an Ontario Autism Program Client Information Reference Number.

What to Expect

Autism Mail Club is back! We have some popular items returning from this past year and many GREAT NEW RESOURCES for you throughout the year to come!

Children and youth with ASD  have a wide range of skills, abilities and experience using visual supports. We heard your feedback, so for this year’s mail club resources we have included a category system to help you choose the resources/activities that may be most helpful to your child.

Category 1 – for children/youth who are new to using visual supports
Category 2 – for children/youth who have some experience using visual supports and/or read words
Category 3 – for children/youth who read and follow written instructions

If a resource month has more than one category number, we have included multiple category examples.

Select any or all of the resource items you would like to receive. At the end of each month, you will receive a package in the mail with the selected item.

What's in your monthly package:
•    the resource item
•    a handout explaining how it can be used
•    an invitation to book a Follow-Up Consult with a Family & Community Consultant (this is an opportunity to talk about how it's going or ask questions about the resource)

  • September: First Then Board and Choice Board - Introducing visual supports (Category1)
  • October: Morning/Evening Routine - Working towards independence (Category 1,2,3)
  • November: Fall Activity Task Strip and DIY Activities (Category 2,3)
  • December: Winter Activity Bingo Card (Category 1,2,3)
  • January: Self-Monitoring Checklist for Staying on Task - Building homework habits (Category 3)
  • February: Increasing Social Participation - Conversation cards, turn-taking (Category 1,2,3)
  • March: Transition support visuals and lanyard - Help/Stop/Wait (Category 1,2)
  • April: Tools for Emotional Regulation (Category 2,3)
  • May: Personal Hygiene Checklist and Task Strips (Category 1,2,3)
  • June: Summer Bucket List and DIY activities (Category 1,2,3)
  • July: Social Narrative - "Starting a new school year" (Category 2,3)
  • August: "All About Me" Book Template (Category 1,2,3)

This Foundational Family Service is for families of children/youth registered in the Ontario Autism Program (OAP). You will be asked to confirm your child's registration in the OAP and to provide an OAP Client Information Reference Number if you have received one.   


Dates:  September 2024 - August 2025; monthly resources

Cost: None

Register to receive items in the mail:

Registration will remain open while items are available.

For More Information

For more information, or if you have problems registering, please contact FFS [at] (FFS[at]tvcc[dot]on[dot]ca)